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Our sources
Making this website would not have been possible without the extensive research of countless art historians who preceded us. We made grateful use of numerous books on Mondrian, in particular Joop Joosten and Robert Welsh’s 1998 Catalogue Raisonné and Hans Janssen’s 2008 Mondriaan in het Gemeentemuseum.
A list of all other literature we made significant use of can be found here.
Online catalogue raisonné for Piet Mondrian
The Netherlands Institute for History Art (RKD) publishes and manages an online catalogue of Piet Mondrian’s complete oeuvre at RKD Monographs. This digital resource is a highly valuable supplement to Joop Joosten and Robert Welsh’s 1998 Catalogue Raisonné. Detailed information on the artworks of Piet Mondrian can be found in the RKDimages database.